Friday 13 March 2015

BREAKING: The Polish Bishops Episcopal Conference rejects Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried ~ the Bishops will "remain faithful to the teaching of John Paul II..."

[UPDATE: March 15, 2015. Polish Bishops Plenary Meeting issues formal Communique rejecting Holy Communion for divorced and "remarried"]. 

The Polish Bishops Episcopal Conference is holding its annual plenary meeting. At a press conference which dealt with a number of issues, the issue of admitting to Holy Communion Catholics who had divorced and entered a second, illicit relationship (Adultery) was raised. Bishop Mizinski assured Catholics that the Church in Poland will be not be "listening to the voice of the world to match the Gospels", but rather following Christ and conforming the world to Our Divine Saviour. 

This is a major victory for Catholics worldwide who are gravely concerned with the pressure being brought to bare by the Adulterist and Homosexualist Parties, who seek openly to overturn doctrine, following the heresies that were surreptitiously introduced into the truly scandalous mid-term relatio. In rejecting the Adulterists, the Polish bishops have thrown down the Catholic gauntlet before these neo-protestant heretics who would seek to admit to Holy Communion those living in gravely sinful, adulterous relationships, blaspheming Our Blessed Saviour in the process and defiling the Bride of Christ, the Church. If there is going to be a schism, it will be the heretics leaving Christ's spotless Bride. 

From Polonia Christiana: 

Journalists present at the conference, asked about the possibility of granting Holy Communion. for divorced. Archbishop Jędraszewski confirmed that the response of the Polish Episcopate will remain faithful to the teaching of John Paul II, as formulated in the Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio". The Metropolitan of Lodz also rejected the suggestion that the Pope Francis wants to liberalize this teaching, but rather encourages open discussion of the Synod Fathers, who do not seek to change the doctrinal principles. It can not be separated from the doctrine of pastoral care. - "The Holy Father is not the creator of the principles that guided the Church, reminded Archbishop Jędraszewski. "He is not the creator of doctrine, he is its first guard in communion with the entire episcopate".


  1. The doctrine of PJP2? It 's the doctrine of The RCC.

  2. To be exact the citation is from site which derives from Polonia Christiana not Christiana Polonia. It is also a name of traditional catholic bimonthly magazine.

  3. Adler, Thanks! I've made that mistake before! Appreciated.

  4. This was sent to me and my immediate response was a thank you to Catholic Poland.

    Then I noted happily that this is a Canadian site.
    But then this:
    'Adulterist and Homosexualist's
    We do need to name the issues but this is not respectful. We are not
    identified only by our most noted sin. Please don't.


  6. The Church is being attacked by two groups: 1) those who propose distributing Holy Communion to adulterers; those who propose this are the Adulterists; and 2) those who claim there is something positive in active homosexuality; these are the Homosexualists.
    They - the dissident neo-pagan churchmen - are identified by the two great sins they are trying to excuse, obfuscate.


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.